Svetlin Nenov


Born on 19 October 1961 in the town of Varna.
Graduated from the FINE ARTS Department of Veliko Tirnovo University in 1987.
Lives and works in Varna.


1989 - Gallery "Priboi" - Varna
1990 - Gallery "Slavena" - Varna
1991 - Gallery "Kunst Mix" - town of Horten, Norway
1992 - Third award winner in painting at the Marine Themes National Competition,
held in Varna
1993 - Gallery "Palace I" - Varna
1994 - "Dobrudja" hotel, Albena resort
- City Gallery - Varna
1995 - Art Gallery - Varna
- Gallery "Palace I" - Varna
- Gallery "Diva" - Varna
- Gallery "Alexander" - Sofia
1996 - Art Gallery - Varna
- Gallery "Palace II" - Varna
- Gallery "Eterna" - Varna
- Gallery "Seasons" - Sofia
- Second award winner in painting at the Marine Themes National Competition,
held in Varna
1997 - Gallery "Diva" - Varna
- "Best autor" award winner, gallery "Diva"
1998 - First award winner in painting at the Marine Themes National Competition,
held in Varna
- Third award winner in painting at the Marine Themes Biennial "Marina 98",
held in Odessa, Ukraine
1999 - Gallery "Style", Albena resort
- Gallery "Artea Center" - Varna
2000 - "Ambassador" hotel, Golden Sands resort
2002 - Gallery "Svetlin" St,st, Konstantin and Elena resort
2003 - Gallery "Svetlin" St,st, Konstantin and Elena resort
- Galery "Aktiv art" Varna
2004 - Galery "Aktiv art" Varna
2005 - Galery "Aktiv art" Varna 206 - Art center " Altera " - 7 - Galery "Aktiv art" Varna
2006 - Art center "Altera" Sofia
- PS art gallery - Varna
-Gallery "Aktiv art " - Varna\-Award from the Union of Bulgarian Artists for Painting for the 12 th Traditional Exhibition of Artist Teachers
2007 - Gallery "Aktiv art' Varna
2008 - Teo-art " Gallery
- Artgallery - Varna
- Art center "Vizion" - Varna
2009 - House "Old Varna"
2010 - Artgallery "Universum" - Varna

1950 €
1500 €
2250 €

2250 €
2250 €
2250 €
4500 €

4800 €
2550 €
2250 €
2250 €

2250 €
950 €
2250 €

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